The Municipality of the District of Digby, with a population of 7,107, is located at the western end of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, and is part of the Western Regional Enterprise Network (WREN) which includes the Municipalities of Digby, Yarmouth, Argyle, Barrington, Claire and the towns of Digby and Yarmouth. The WREN has been developed to create a business and investment friendly environment in the 7 Municipal units and therefore their economies are intertwined.
Being a rural community with an older population, the Municipality of the District of Digby has created an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), an important step in enhancing local sustainability with more opportunities for younger communities. The Digby ICSP aims to integrate the four main pillars of economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability principles, identifying a number of strategic goals to support the development of a localized microgrid and circular economy principles.
Also encompassing these pillars are the main economic drivers in the local area, which are Fisheries/Aquaculture, Forestry, Renewable Energy, Agriculture and Ecotourism. These world-class resources are major contributors to global industry while prioritizing sustainability. To promote the value of local sustainability, the Municipality of the District of Digby aims to increase ecotourism in the area. In addition to a variety of existing renewable energy projects in the region, the development of an Eco Industrial Park (EIP) will enhance local collaboration in the management of environmental and resource issues. One step in this initiative includes the creation of a hydrogen economy, which is an important contribution to the Atlantic Canadian hydrogen roadmap.