The Atlantic Hydrogen Alliance (AHA) supports the development of a vibrant low-carbon hydrogen value chain that will enable the transition to a prosperous low-carbon economy in Atlantic Canada.

Work of the AHA will focus on four key deliverables that will be supported by dedicated Working Groups. The deliverables are to:
Complete an Atlantic Hydrogen Roadmap that describes the optimal low-carbon hydrogen production methods, distribution systems, and end-uses for the development and deployment of hydrogen in Atlantic Canada. The Roadmap will lead to a thorough understanding of hydrogen supply and demand in Atlantic Canada and international hydrogen demand opportunities that could be supplied by Atlantic Canada.
Identify and develop the key enabling conditions for hydrogen development in Atlantic Canada, including policies, regulations, codes, and standards. This work will be developed through collaboration with regional and national stakeholders and hydrogen experts.
Facilitate the creation of one or more hydrogen 'hubs' in Atlantic Canada to develop and deploy local hydrogen projects across the full hydrogen value chain by identifying and establishing a pipeline of potential pilot, demonstration, and commercialization hydrogen projects, including project scope, funding requirements, timeline, project developers, and partners. Hydrogen hubs create a framework for the strategic coordination of public and private investments that enable a scale of hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and demand capable of achieving long-term economic viability.
Develop and execute a communications, engagement, and advocacy plan that will support the other three deliverables. The plan will promote the development of hydrogen in Atlantic Canada through regular communication with stakeholders and the public, advocacy, and engagement with government and other key stakeholders to raise awareness of the economic and environmental potential for hydrogen in the region.
Board of Directors
Matthew Tinari (Everwind Fuels)
Vice President
Alisdair McLean (Net-Zero Atlantic)
Secretary – Treasurer
Michelle Robichaud (Atlantica Centre for Energy)
Jennifer Cleversey-Moffitt (Port of Belledune)
John Hawkins (Eastward Energy)
Sean Leet (World Energy GH2)
Paul MacLean (Bear Head Energy)
Cindy Matthews (Irving Oil)
Alisdair McLean (Net Zero Atlantic)
Ivette Vera-Perez (Canadian Hydrogen Association)
Gilles Volpé (Liberty Utilities New Brunswick)
Are you or your organization interested in collaborating?
- Contact us at to learn more about hydrogen in Atlantic Canada.